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See example of a child’s progress feedback emailed to parents after every lesson
May 3, 2018

Most schools provide parents with end of year or termly pupil reports.  The After School Learning Centre provides progress updates to parents by email on the same day your child attends their lesson.

When children finish lessons, parents receive feedback by email explaining: what their child worked on, how the teacher helped them to improve and what they did well.  Also listed in the feedback is an explanation of the homework your child needs to complete and return the following week for marking by their teacher.  Below is an example showing what the feedback looks like:

Mary – Eng - 01/05/18

Topics worked on today: started by revising “s” and “a” in terms of saying the sounds the letters make; then worked on identifying the “a” sound in a line of letters and coloured in the “a” sound; she did this mostly independently and correctly; Mary is good at identifying letters; then Mary worked on pasting pre cut up “a” letters and Mary stuck them to pictures of words starting with the “a” sound; consequently, Mary learnt brand new vocabulary today (e.g.: astronaut, ambulance, axe, etc); the teacher also introduced Mary today for the first time to the “t” sound.

General comment:  Mary is a keen and enthusiastic learner with excellent focus for a pre school child of four years old; Mary is getting an idea of what is expected of her when she starts school in September; you are learning in a fun, relaxed way and getting ready for starting Reception at school.

Today’s homework:  1. writing practice for “s”, “a” and “t” sounds – please to do hw in small daily bite size chunks every day of no more than ten minutes per day – the idea at this stage is to create a good study routine early on; 2. Also Mary to play a game with Mum / Dad by taking the pre cut up “a” letters provided to find objects in the house beginning with “a” – please remind Mary to learn the letters phonetically – do not say the alphabetical name of “a”; please say the sound it makes (eg “a” for ant) – please listen to the Jolly Phonics app on Mrs Stone’s phone to hear the sound “a” makes and please repeat the “a” sound when showing Mary objects around the house.

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